So for the next RRC, whip up dish a perfect for your favorite lov-ah. (Sadly, "Whipped Cream on a Taut and Tanned Stomach" isn't really a recipe. But I'm not saying it shouldn't be tried.)
Once you've created your swoon-worthy amuse bouche, simply take a picture (SFW, please) and post it along with your thoughts and the original recipe, including the year it was first published and its original publication (Gourmet? Joy of Cooking?). A tag for RRC 6 and a link to this post would also be appreciated.
Then, send an email to RetroRecipeChallengeATgmailDOTcom by the deadline of Sunday, February 11 at 11:59pm EST. Please include "RRC#6" in the subject line, with your name or blogging nickname, your blog's name and URL, plus the recipe's title and the post's URL in the body of the email.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at LauraRebeccasKitchenATgmailDOTcom.
Get it in the kitchen: the products of a hot stove can leave to an even hotter boudoir.
Just found your blog via Something So Clever...LOVE IT! Hmmm now I am going to have to find a Valentines Recipe!
Yay, Vintage! Send that recipe in!
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